[Vobject] problem with vcad ORG

Jeffrey Harris jeffrey at osafoundation.org
Mon Nov 19 14:23:27 CST 2007

Hi Patrick,

> i want to add a org value but with the department/branch/unit somebody
> works in. Apple Addressbook exports it with "ORG:company;unit" but vcard
> escapes ";". So how do you add the unit withouth it escaping the ;?

vobject's vCard support is incomplete at this point, pointing out
discrepancies like this is very welcome.  vobject wasn't treating ORG as
structured text, I just checked in a fix, you can update to 0.4.9 to get
the change, once you do that, native ORG values will be lists of
strings, they'll serialize as a semi-colon separated list.


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