[Vobject] vobject usage example request

Jeffrey Harris jeffrey at osafoundation.org
Wed Mar 29 12:37:02 CST 2006

Hi David,

> I am interested in using vobject to parse some vcalendar and vcard
> files. The usage examples don't include much for importing vevent data
> from files.

Ah, you're right, they mostly focus on creating vevents.

> Could anyone suggest other usage examples which would show more info on
> importing from files?

This isn't a replacement for a good complete introductory level parsing
example, but have a look at


there are quite a few examples of using readOne there.

> I am very inexperienced with python, simple would be better.

Unfortunately, I think I suffer from head-too-deep-in-the-code, it's
hard for me to know what a good simple example would be.  If you wanted
to describe what you'd like to do, I'd be happy to try and help you do it.

I'm in irc://irc.freenode.net/chandler during much of Pacific business
hours, you're also welcome to ask questions there.


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